Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dyeing is such fun!

We had a great time dyeing last night, and hope to do this again while the weather is decent for hanging out in the warehouse, maybe on a Saturday.

We did a 2-step process on Karen's first batch. She wants to knit a shawl with these 3 skeins. We put some dye in the dye pot and heated it up, tossed in the skeins for a semi-solid look. Then we laid them out on plastic and put "dots" of a darker version of the same color (more intense amount of dye, plus a dab of dark blue) on the yarn. These were rolled up in their plastic robes and steamed to set the 2nd dye job.

Here are some rolls of painted yarns in the steamer:

We had some very lovely helpers, who dyed their skeins in coordinating colors for the outfits they were wearing:

And here are some pics of some skeins that have been steamed and rinsed. Yum, color!

Hope you can join us for the next dye party!


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