Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween at Woodland Woolworks

Whee! I love seeing people in costume. Not that that got me to wear one, mind you, but I love it when other people do! The bummer of it all is that I have always, all my life, lived out in the tooleys and not gotten Trick or Treaters. A good year was getting 2. I've never had one ever where I live now - for 13 years. Very sad.

So I thought it was fabulous when a couple people here wanted to dress up. We have:

(leggings needed so as not to freeze to death in the warehouse)

(now wearing a big fluffy sweater to as not to freeze to death in the warehouse!)

Have to think up something for next year. Something warm though.

Boo! Happy Halloween to you and yours!


Michelle said...

Hmmm, that last one could draw in a whole new crowd to WW -- look out!!!

Anonymous said...

Diane you just have to host a Halloween party at the house of a friend who has neighbors (other than the feathered or furry kind!) But then you have to get dressed up too. And we get to see pictures!!