Friday, October 15, 2010

Pioner Loom by Northwest Looms

We recently got a very interesting loom in as a trade-in.  I'd never seen anything like it, so thought I'd write a little bit about it.  This very innovative loom is built by Northwest Looms in Wyoming.  It has "open heddles" and an open reed.  The threading is from the top of the heddle, just slide your warp in from the top. In the picture below, the reed/beater is resting on the front beam.  The wooden levers on the right side raise the harnesses.  The levers are graduated in length to make it easy to find the harness you want.

The front beam will slide forward so you can put the warping peg segments in, and then warp directly from there.  I think it's a fascinating little loom!  And with 8 harnesses, your patterning possibilities are huge!  This would be a great loom to tote to workshops.


kathyo said...

Really neat idea! I love it!!! is it easy to lift the harnesses when warped? is it for sale now? how wide will it weave?

Woodland Woolworks said...

Hi Kathy - we didn't warp the loom, so I can't answer that part. I wouldn't expect it to be any harder to lift these harnesses than on any other loom... This was a used loom that we had, but it's been sold. Northwest Looms is still in business and selling looms though! (

Anonymous said...

Greetings, I am looking for replacement heddles for Pioneer floor loom. The company website is now down and I'm wondering if you have any info on how to get in touch with Northwest Looms. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Did u find your heddles?

Anonymous said...

I received one of these looms and was totally dumbfounded. Today a friend handed me the original hang tag and it is noted as Northwest Looms in Coburg, OR. I believe the one I have may have been modified to be used with a floor stand (which I also have). If anyone has more information on this loom I would love to see if I can get it working again.

Anonymous said...

I have sent an email to the address in your comment.

Anonymous said...

I have a notebook including 3 booklets of HOW TO... I'd be happy to share.