Saturday, February 27, 2010

Melda's Inspirational Weaving

Melda brought in some wonderful weaving she's been working on.  She weaves on a 24 harness AVL, which is a monster loom.  She wove some curtains to hang in her weaving area.  Wouldn't these be wonderful to stare at while you weave?  This is 24 harness uneven tied overshot using 20/2 perle cotton in approximately a zillion colors.

She used many colors in a shaded wash across the warp.  I couldn't get the entire width in the photo, but you can see how the color changes across the width.  Lovely! 

Here is what the reverse side looks like:

Here are a couple of the leaves a little closer:

Melda did some sampling of colors to get just what she wanted.  Here's one of the versions:

I'm just so impressed with this, I thought you'd like to see it too.  Lovely lovely weaving!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Some new spring yarns

Spring must be coming, because the spring yarns are starting to show up!  It's always such fun to see the new yarns.  I love meeting with the yarn reps twice a year to see what the various companies are bringing out.  Course, it's really hard not to want to buy ALL of them, so restraint must be shown.  Rats. 

Rowan is bringing out a recycled yarn in their Purelife group, called Revive.  It's tweedy and wonderful! 
There are 8 colors - some rather earth-tone ones:
And some brighter shades:
And here's a close-up of the purple shade: 
I think this will be on my needles before too long!  
And the other yarn is a sock yarn from Regia, called Hand-dye Effects.  

Pretty fun stuff!  

Saturday, February 6, 2010

An Incredibly Gorgeous Loom

We got a used loom consigned recently that is just amazing.  It's a J-Made 16 harness walnut beauty.

It's tough to get a decent picture of it in the warehouse...  but it's WALNUT! 

There is a bench too, with a laminated top:

If this loom weren't computerized it would be going home with me - what can I say, I'm a Luddite.  But at least I get to walk by it and pet it every day while it's here.

J-Made looms are made right here in Oregon City, and his looms are wonderful. Furniture quality.