Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weaving Progress

I'm enjoying watching the weaving progress upstairs in the Navajo weaving class this week. You can really hear them thwacking away from the show room downstairs. Someone asked if we were under construction. Not exactly, although sort of! But that's not a hammer you're hearing... Who knew soft stuff could make so much noise? Here are some pics of the progress made through last night. I love seeing the different color combos chosen!

The recommended weft for the class is Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted, a nice single ply blend of wool and mohair that comes in a zillion colors. It seems to beat in nicely too! Some of my photos are from the front, and some from the back, so some have the butterflies of different colors showing, while others do not.

No more naked plastic chairs

I just ran across a place where you can get patterns to knit covers for your plastic chairs. The Knitted Chairs started out as a final-year project for her degree in product design at Middlesex University in London, and includes free patterns. Be sure to check out the gallery. You'll want to use really big yarn - maybe ply together a few strands of dead-in-the-stash yarns on your spinning wheel, and dress up your plastic chairs! (and clear your stash of guilt...)

I wanna see pictures if you do one!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Navajo Weaving Workshop this week

We're very excited to be hosting a Navajo Weaving workshop all week with Sarah Natani. This morning everybody lugged their looms upstairs, ready to learn.

Warps are wound, and the looms are warped and it looks like everyone is ready to start weaving! I can't wait to see everyone's progress this week. Just wish I could take the class too! It's a wonderful opportunity for everyone in the class.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Lendrums are here!

Our UPS driver just unloaded 1/2 his truck here, bringing us much Lendrum and Leclerc joy. We're operating on a skeleton crew today, so I don't know how much we'll turn around for the afternoon UPS driver, but we'll try! And if not today, then Monday...

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend! We're closed tomorrow, but we'll be back on Monday.

Slight delay on Wool Rag

We're trying out a new format - size, shape - on the Wool Rag and had it all done and ready to take to the printer... and that's when they tell us that oh, by the way, the postal service has changed the rates on the type of stuff we send out... Long story short, we're changing the size AGAIN, and switching to a different paper. It sure would have been nice to know it before we were ready to take it to the printer... Tim is going to be more than ready to see the end of this project! I think he must be really good at Tetris - getting all the funky shapes to meld together and fit on the page.

He'll have a pdf of it up on the website next week, and here's hoping there are no new bombs from the printer and it can get mailed as soon as possible!